Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sunny day

A quick shot of bed 1 with calendula and Rubine Brussels Sprouts. The marbles are just beginning to form. It's going to be a race to see if I get them before the season gets too warm for the plant. The plant looks much different from January. I think the plant is at least twice as large as it was in January. My seed charts are saying to start more Brussels Sprouts by seed in May. And the local farmers usually plant out starts around June/July. Speaking of local farmers, I wanted to remind myself when the artichokes starts go in field along Highway one. I noticed them on Monday, they look to be about 4 inches tall. Artichokes are grown as annuals around here, even though I know many gardeners who keep them as perrenials.

Sunshine is a welcome change. Mostly because I've been wanting to try my new toy. With so many tomatoes to plant I need to find a good sunny spot for the raised beds. Mr. C. has made four new ones and I've been trying to plan where to put them. And I thought I may have found a spot so I decided to test it with my SunCalc. As it takes 12 hours to do the test, I had to set it by 7 am and by 6:30 I was pacing around like someone waiting for the kettle to boil. Sadly, the spot is partial sun, not enough for tomatoes. Well, onto spot #2. I also now want to test bed 2 as I wonder if the oak tree shades the bed, making it a "partial sun" bed as well.

I've also done a soil test on bed 3. The pH is 6.5, slightly acidic. Nitrogen was N1- deficient. But at least it registered a little. I did grow beans in that bed last, before the onions. Phosphorus was P2 - adequate and Potash was P3 - sufficient. I'm undecided on what to do with the phosphorus reading. It occurs to me that I might have to use bed 3 for tomatoes. I'm planning on combination planting cosmos, sunflowers, and maybe chammomile and petunias. I'll especially do that if the other tomato beds end up in the front, choice #3 for the new beds.

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