Sunday, December 02, 2007

They're growing, but.....

But probably not fast enough. Day 14 with 20 to go and there's no way these will be in bloom. Drat.

The ones that had sprouted in the box have some promise, but I'm not sure if the flowers aren't damaged.

I've considered moving a few to the garage space where I have a heat mat going and the light of a south-west facing window.

Well the Cabrillo Winter Plant sale is on Wednesday the 5th. Maybe she would like some nice poinsettias.


Ralph said...

You left us hanging. Did they up and die on you?

CoastalCAGardener said...

snerk, snort, huh??
what was that?

Oh yeah. You're right. Sorry about that. I've finally posted the end of the story. I've been busy at Graduate School and rudely left people hanging.

Thanks for the comment. It actually cheered me up to think someone noticed.

Ralph said...

I know the feeling. I was curious about your interest in tomatoes and how you manage to grom them on the coast. I am guessing that your greenhouse makes it possible to have fruit.